Self-Paced Masterclass

Therapy Groups for Profitability

Learn how to leverage group therapy to make $2-4k extra per month in your therapy practice.

How to Use Therapy Groups to Make More Money in Less Time 💰⏰

Transform your therapy practice into its most profitable model yet.

In this 50-minute long masterclass, you’ll gain the insights, knowledge and strategies you need to make an extra $2-$4k per month from therapy groups.

Here’s what running therapy groups has allowed me to achieve in my private therapy practice…

💥 Brought in $675 in a 75-minute time slot

💥 Added $2,000 to my monthly income while only adding 4 appointments/month to my schedule

💥 Scaled my monthly income to $10k, $12k, $14k

💥 Allowed me to sustainably work with dozens of clients who weren’t able to afford my 1-1 therapy fees but were otherwise a good clinical fit

And here’s what I didn’t do…

❌ Force myself to work harder, longer hours, or on evenings/weekends

❌ Add a dozen new 1-1 clients to my calendar

❌ Learn ANY new modalities that cost a small fortune

group therapy…

…is backed by decades of science and research for all kinds of problems, and groups are the best way to help dozens more people at a fraction of your full-fee – without making you resentful – because you’re earning TWICE as much as your 1-1 hourly rate all while working less hard during your session.

In this masterclass, I’m teaching you the 5 steps you need to take to map out and start your first private practice group within the next 30 days:

  • (00:01 – 10:10) Choosing a profitable group topic and getting the word out about your offer (two networking templates are included – one for email and one for print)
  • (10:11 – 18:14) I’ll be sharing my MOST effective strategies for marketing your group and getting those spots filled – whether you’re billing insurance or only taking cash. And don’t worry, I won’t be teaching you to use paid ads or TikTok dances.
  • (18:15 – 27:45) Choosing a group format
  • (27:46 – 43:24) Policies and informed consent, including billing and record-keeping
  • (43:25 – 49:13) Setting up the tech for hybrid and remote groups

frequently asked questions

This is for mental health therapists, holistic health practitioners, and wellness experts who want to run online, hybrid, or in-person groups.

You don’t have to be a group therapist expert or guru, but these strategies work best for providers who already have some knowledge of how to run a group, even if it’s not a traditional mental health therapy group (ie: this masterclass is great for educational groups or skills groups). This is not a masterclass that will teach you about the clinical nature of running groups.

You will receive an email immediately with a link to join the Facebook group where the masterclass will be housed. Please allow up to 24 hours to be granted entry into the Facebook group, depending on time zone and day of the week.

The strategy of adding in therapy groups to your private practice is designed to be used when you want to add in additional income without increasing your work hours, offer a less expensive way for folks to work with you, or when you’re just beginning your marketing journey and you haven’t filled many 1-1 therapy spots yet. It’s a good way to boost your income while getting more established in the community.